President’s report


Sue Moreland


15 October 2019

Greetings fellow tennis players!

We are enjoying the Spring weather at last and the grounds are looking beautiful. Thanks to all the members who keep it tidy and lovely both inside and outside. The junior season of Summer tennis has just kicked off after a busy Winter competition with an information session held on 7th October to announce teams, educate and inform the new parents and players of the routine required for Junior Competition and collect Ball money. If you were unable to attend, please remember to offer your ball money to James ASAP to reduce the burden on him having to chase it. 2 teams made the grand final and were runners up. Well done to all players, parents and our marvellous Junior Convenor, James Wotherspoon for his tireless efforts to keep everyone organised.

We are very excited to have finally have an updated team uniform due to the tremendous efforts of Erina Wotherspoon. You may have noticed the flyers all over the clubhouse! The polos are already being worn by a few lucky people who offered to buy sight unseen for the first test order. We have matching shorts and skorts available and are keen to place another bulk order by the end of this week (18th of October). You may send an order by email to stating Name and size remembering there are Men’s and Ladies “cuts”. Your name can be added to the front pocket area (very useful for juniors who tend to lose things) but these named shirts must be paid for up front with the order. The payment can be made directly into the tennis club account with Your Name and “uniform” added to the description or paid directly to James or Erina this Saturday (19th). As many of you will want to check sizing there will be a try on sizing session on Saturday 26th of October after 2pm and another order will be placed following that.

We owe thanks to Bendigo Bank once again for generously providing the funding for new nets in this years’ round of community grants. They are much needed as I am sure you have all noticed that some shots go through our nets!

Our local MP Jackson Taylor joined us for a brief hit last Saturday. He noted our parking woes and was very encouraging with our future goals, offering to assist in any way he is able. He is a dynamic 27-year-old with a bright future and enthusiasm for helping his community.

Barry Plant real estate staff took to the courts for an evening of food, fun and tennis on the 1st of October. It is a pleasure to be able to offer our facility to such generous sponsors. I hope they enjoyed their visit and return in the future.

Coach Ben Longridge is off to the US to represent Australia in his age group in a tournament from October through November again this year. Wishing you all the success you hope for Ben. We’ll be watching for any news.

So, remember to join whichever group you enjoy your tennis with or join us for a social hit on Saturday afternoons at 2pm. You and your friends are always welcome.

FREE! MULCH Help yourselves to the mulch pile behind the club. We have way too much for our needs.

Happy Hitting!

Sue Moreland